Medical Chiropody

Beautiful and healthy feet

Medical Chiropody

Healthy feet are vital to wellbeing, but they are subject to considerable wear and tear during our lives. With increasing age and an impaired functioning of the joints, they are put under even more strain. This leads to excessive pressure on the feet and deformities such as fallen arches, splayfoot and flat feet, which in turn can cause painful calluses, corns and ingrown toenails. If medical chiropody is carried out on regular basis, medical conditions can be recognized and treated at an early stage. Existing foot problems can be eliminated or significantly improved.

As part of the treatment, ingrown or curved toenails are cut properly, nail mycosis and thickened toenails are treated, and excessive hard skin, calluses and corns are carefully removed.

Particular attention is paid to diabetic patients as they often fail to perceive pain due to nerve damage. The healing process takes longer and is more difficult, and these patients are often more susceptible to infections after minor injuries.


Our services

Medical Chiropody

Nail Fungus

Dicke, verfärbte oder gespaltene Nägel sind nicht nur unansehnlich, sondern häufig Symptome einer Erkrankung des Finger- oder Zehennagels, die unbehandelt zur teilweisen bzw. vollständigen Zerstörung der Nagelplatte führen kann.

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