DOCTOR DUVE Smart Aging Concept

Diet – good for your skin

Diet - good for your skin

Smooth, radiant skin, beautiful hair, strong nails and a firm, well-defined body is always based on a healthy diet. However, the body doesn’t like every treat. Let’s be honest, who manages to permanently eat healthy food? The daily struggle in balancing family and work combined with stress sometimes simply makes us reach for things that would bring tears to a nutrition expert’s eyes. Unfortunately, these sins go straight to the hips in the medium-term. Diets are not a solution, though, as they tend to make you fat. Anyone who wants to stay firm, beautiful and in shape doesn’t have to starve, but should eat – the right things, though. We help you find a balanced diet that can be effortlessly integrated into your everyday life, is adjusted to your needs and requirements and contains the nutrients that your skin and hair really like.

For example, did you know that …

… Vitamin C isn’t just important for the immune system but also plays a major role in building up collagen in connective tissue? This ensures firm skin and reduces cellulite bumps.

… Vitamin E is a friend of skin cells and protects them against attacks by free radicals that speed up skin ageing?

… Vitamin A helps build up the protective corneal layer of the skin? If this barrier is intact it prevents irritation caused by external harmful substances and protects against moisture loss from inside.

… Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce sebum and therefore eliminate blemishes? For example, it can help with the so-called adult acne (acne tarda) that affects more and more women aged 40+.

… Proteins can repair skin damage and therefore protect against wrinkles?

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