10-Minute Nose Job

For minimal nose corrections

10-Minute Nose Job

The nose is the centre of our face and has a significant influence on our appearance. If the nose is perceived as too large or too wide, this is often associated with enormous suffering. Many sufferers therefore opt for surgical rhinoplasty where it is usually essential to fracture the bone. This is too brutal for many of our patients. With the gentle nose correction using hyaluronic acid, also referred to in the US as a 10-minute nose job, we offer a minimally invasive alternative that conceals disturbing irregularities on the bridge and tip of the nose without any surgery. All you need for the so-called nose job is a little injection and it’s not associated with any time off.

The 10-minute nose job is particularly suitable for patients who want a minimal correction of their nose. Good to know: the injection method cannot usually replace full nasal surgery. At the HAUT- UND LASERZENTRUM AN DER OPER, we mainly use the method to raise the tip of the nose or to compensate for irregularities in the profile. The hyaluronic acid used is injected with a needle into the nasal bridge or the tip of the nose with pinpoint accuracy and only in drops.

If the nose also pulls down unattractively while laughing, this can be corrected with Botox. Due to the nose’s immobility, the result lasts on average twice as long as comparable injections in other parts of the face. The hyaluronic acid and therefore the effect can also be reversed early on request using a special enzyme. Although the treatment itself just takes a few minutes it should only be done by experienced experts.

All day-to-day activities can in principle be resumed immediately after treatment. In some cases, you may experience some temporary swelling and bruising. You should refrain from sports and sauna visits for at least two days to be on the safe side.

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